A good pudding

Anoth­er egg recipe in a cup! This time it’s a 5‑minute bread pud­ding for one. (Though I made two.) Extreme­ly easy and quick and deli­cious, you would­n’t believe it’s made with a microwave! If you like bread pud­ding I’d high­ly rec­om­mend it :D

(By the way, my oth­er attempts at eggs-in-a-cup were cod­dled eggs and quiche, if you’re inter­est­ed in read­ing about them.)

Mike top­pled his out of the mug and sprin­kled addi­tion­al cin­na­mon on it.

Which reminds me of this San­rio char­ac­ter that’s sup­posed to be a dog that looks like a pud­ding. Pom­pom Purin is his name.

It used to be one of my favourite char­ac­ters, among many others…

Cheers, com­rade!

Summer plants

Our pow­er went out the oth­er day for sev­er­al hours. So, no TV, and no com­put­er. Try­ing to find some­thing to do that does­n’t require elec­tric­i­ty, I decid­ed to replant our Christ­mas Cac­tus, which had been con­strict­ed in a tiny pot for the longest time.

And every time I use that old spoon to move dirt around I think to myself that it’s time to get some gar­den­ing tools. It takes for­ev­er to put enough dirt in the pot, one spoon­ful at a time. So, peo­ple dig­ging their way to Chi­na with a spoon is def­i­nite­ly a myth…

And every time the pow­er goes out I’m remind­ed of how much I’m depen­dent on elec­tric­i­ty and how I should nev­er take my unlim­it­ed access to elec­tric­i­ty for grant­ed. And I’m grate­ful for the tem­po­rary loss of pow­er because oth­er­wise I would nev­er get around to replant­i­ng the Christ­mas cac­tus. There are always things to do on the com­put­er or anoth­er episode of CSI I’ve nev­er seen before (which is rare, but I do come across them once in a while).

The Christ­mas cac­tus is look­ing a bit droopy in the new pot at the moment, hope­ful­ly it will look bet­ter when it gets more set­tled in the new dirt.

Anoth­er activ­i­ty that did­n’t require elec­tric­i­ty was sort­ing the wild flowers/plants that I picked over the week­end. I pressed them for the resin work­shop I was tak­ing this week.

I’m anx­ious to see how they turn out embed­ded in resin! I did­n’t use all of them, just the daisies and a maple key and some foliage, but I’m sav­ing the rest for oth­er projects. At the work­shop yes­ter­day we poured resin into the molds and embed­ded bits of paper and oth­er things in them, and now they have to dry for a few days, and then we’ll be back to attach jew­el­ery find­ings to them on Fri­day. I will be sure to take pic­tures and let you how it goes!

Here’s a star-shaped flower I pressed, spark­ing in sunlight.

It’s been real­ly, real­ly, real­ly hot these past few days. Appar­ent­ly this kind of heat is going to con­tin­ue through­out the sum­mer… which I find a bit scary. I hope every­one is able to find ways to keep cool and stay well!


Some time in the spring I devel­oped a fond­ness for cut­ting block let­ters from mag­a­zine pages, free-hand. I find it rather calm­ing. And so, when­ev­er I had a break in my work day, if I were not eat­ing or doing paper­work, I would be sit­ting there cut­ting out block let­ters from mag­a­zine pages. Not just aim­less­ly cut­ting out block let­ters, but mak­ing greet­ing cards! Here are a few that I’ve made over the past few months. I liked them so much that I did­n’t quite want to part with them, but I had to send them off because that was the point of mak­ing a greet­ing card… so I took pho­tos of some of them.

This is one I made for a wed­ding, with bub­ble wrap print. The let­ters were cut from the rain­bow-colour cup­cakes on the cov­er of a Valen­tine’s Day issue of the Martha Stew­art Liv­ing mag­a­zine. I also stuck a pic­ture of a cup­cake on the inside.

This one I made for my sis­ter, for her grad­u­a­tion! She is an Eng­lish major, so I cut out let­ters from an old book. And also berries and flow­ers from the Martha mag­a­zines. (The Martha mag­a­zine has got the best pic­tures for mak­ing greet­ing cards with!)

This is for some­one who real­ly likes water and the colour yel­low, on a piece of paper I made. The pic­ture might be too small to see, but the let­ters were cut from a pho­to­graph of a body of water. And the maple leaf is real — it’s from the tree that the birth­day per­son­’s hus­band had plant­ed :D I par­tic­u­lar­ly like the yel­low tomatoes.

More bub­ble wrap print! With knit pat­tern on the let­ters. I love cut­ting out things from mag­a­zines because I nev­er know what I’ll find, but what I do find is always per­fect. It’s like a gift.

This one has laven­der in the let­ters, and I was sur­prised to see that when I went to deliv­er the card to the per­son­’s house, she had just plant­ed laven­der in her front yard.

Thank you for vis­it­ing my show-and-tell! :D

An action-packed weekend montage!

1. Rasp­ber­ry-pick­ing on a prop­er bril­liant day! 2. gar­den flow­ers 3. jour­ney on the train with Choco­cat the Pez!

4. Cana­da Day sparklers! 5. pick­ing daisies 6. cor­ral fos­sil by the river

7. at the rasp­ber­ry patch 8. watch­ing fire­works on the hill 9. sun­set strolling

(By the way, I was going to make this mon­tage on Big Huge Labs, but it would­n’t let me upload pho­tos from my com­put­er unless I sign up for mem­ber­ship, so I gave up on the Labs and made this in Pow­er­point :P)

So! Those were all the things I did this week­end — what about you?

Hope you had a love­ly week­end, wher­ev­er you are :)