Oh my, it’s been 10 days since I last wrote >_< I must say, it’s been very busy since the beginning of November. I started a new job, and then our apartment building started undergoing some renovations, which required us to pack away and seal everything in plastic sheets and tape so that they don’t get covered in renovation dust. So then we thought, we might as well rearrange our apartment!
I like rearranging the apartment once in a while, it’s like moving into a new apartment! It’s just a lot of work that has to be done over several weeks because we’ve got jobs to go to during the day (or night) and other things to do and people to see…
But look! We were able to carve out a new work space for me over the weekend! I love the shelves above it. And I get to display one of the hand painted signs from Honest Ed’s (for 99 cents “Holiday Marshmallow Biscuits”), which commemorates not only the iconic Toronto landmark but also the day in which my dear friend and I lined up for 7 hours to buy these signs (I also have an “Acrylic Ladies Sweater” one and an “Instant Noodles” one, but I don’t have frames for them yet. I think my friend got “Fleece Shorts” and “Ankle Weights”). It was probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve done (and the whole time we were like, “oh, it looks like it’s just another hour of wait, we’ve been here for 3 (or 4, or 5) hours already, what’s another hour, we’ve spent too much time on this to turn back empty handed…” and poor Mike was waiting for us outside Honest Ed’s to go to dinner), but now we have “a piece of history of Toronto” displayed on our shelves and great stories to tell :P
And all my yarn colour-sorted and neatly tucked away in bins! For the past few years I’ve had the yarn just sitting in the shelving unit like in a yarn store (see this post about the “wall of yarn” and my initial excitement). It was nice to look at for the first month or so, but before long I had yarn spilling all over the place from the front AND the back of the shelves. So, now we don’t get to see the pretty colours of the yarn on the shelves, but they are much easier to manage.
In the meanwhile, I’m working on a sweater project that I can’t wait to finish and show you, and new items for my shop :D Stay tuned! I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish over the summer and into the fall, so I’m grateful for the energy that November brings.
Have a fabulous, energized week, everyone!
p.s. And if you have creature photos for the 12 Days of Woodland Creatures project, please feel free to send them my way before Wednesday, Nov. 12! I will put together a celebration post with everyone’s photos shortly after that :D