Christmas crafting fun :D

Some of the gifts I made for Christmas :)

This was from a pat­tern by the Knit Cafe, I got it while par­tic­i­pat­ing in the annu­al TTC Kni­ta­long. I don’t usu­al­ly knit with such fine yarn, so it took me quite a long time, but the result is well worth the effort!

Photo 2015-11-30, 9 51 38 PM

Photo 2015-11-30, 9 55 47 PM

I like the con­trast between the sol­id garter stitch and the lacy mesh stitch when it’s all wrapped around. Might make anoth­er one some­times, with a dif­fer­ent colour combination :)

Here’s a much quick­er project I made for Mike, using Bernat Blan­ket. It’s quite a soft but stur­dy yarn with very lit­tle stretch, I thought it’d be per­fect for slip­pers. The pat­tern is from Rain­bows and Sun­shine. Fits him per­fect­ly! :D


This bon­net was fin­ger knit­ted on the plane, on our way back from the east coast, with a skein of beau­ti­ful Sir­dar Kiko. It’s a baby show­er gift I made it for a friend who used to work as a flight atten­dant on the air­line we flew with :)

Photo 2015-11-29, 12 32 30 PM

This is one of the stones from Mike’s grand­pa’s col­lec­tion, which I wrapped with wire and made into pen­dants. Mike’s grand­pa passed away a few years ago. He was quite a semi-pre­cious stone and fos­sil enthu­si­ast when he was young!

Photo 2015-12-15, 10 31 32 AM

I’m not edu­cat­ed in stone iden­ti­fi­ca­tion at all, so if any­one knows what this stone is, please feel free to drop me a note! I made a total of 13 pen­dants for aunts and cousins, but I was too excit­ed about wrap­ping them up and writ­ing notes to go along with them, I neglect­ed to take pic­tures of the fin­ished neck­laces. I fol­lowed this handy tuto­r­i­al for the wire-wrapping.

While vis­it­ing Mike’s par­ents we looked through more of grand­pa’s rock col­lec­tion, includ­ing this piece of pet­ri­fied wood, with trans­par­ent inclu­sions! How cool is that?

Photo 2015-12-27, 2 39 43 PM

Look at the light shin­ing through. Maybe it can be made into a sun catcher.

Photo 2015-12-27, 2 31 24 PM

And here’s my young nephew wear­ing his present :D

Photo 2015-12-26, 11 14 02 AM

I fol­lowed the owl hat pat­tern by Kat Goldin. Also made these owl mitts from Down Clover­laine for my oth­er young nephew, this pineap­ple bag for my niece, a cou­ple of knit neckwarmers/cowls that I made up with bulky weight yarn, this casse­role car­ri­er from Moo­gly for my moth­er-in-law, and a cou­ple more projects that I can’t show you just yet because the recip­i­ents haven’t opened them :)

After mak­ing gifts I thought I’d spend the hol­i­days mak­ing some­thing for myself. I recent­ly start­ed on this sweater from the cur­rent issue of Inter­weave Cro­chet. Here I am drink­ing tea, eat­ing Kinder eggs, and watch­ing fam­i­ly play scrab­ble while I cro­chet — hol­i­day at its finest :D

Photo 2015-12-27, 4 34 21 PM

We’ve also got some very unusu­al weath­er in our cor­ner of the world this Christ­mas. It’s not unusu­al to not have snow, but it was warm enough to find these turkey tails (I think that’s what they are) in the backyard!

Photo 2015-12-26, 1 40 28 PM

Hap­py about the fun­gi sight­ing, at the same time a bit uneasy about the dou­ble-dig­it tem­per­a­ture :S

Then on the week­end it was very windy, with water splash­ing onto the lake­side road. Reminds me of the roar­ing sea in the east coast! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the lake with waves like that, but then I don’t see the lake very much from where I live.

Photo 2015-12-27, 12 08 13 PM

But all in all we had a fun time away from the city vis­it­ing fam­i­ly. And I’m grate­ful to have one more week of hol­i­days until the new year, which means more time to write about craft­ing fun here on the blog! :D

Wish­ing you a won­der­ful week!


buttermilk mary

Trip to the sea con­tin­ues! :D


We were so for­tu­nate! We were told by the locals that the leaves in Cape Bre­ton were 2 weeks behind their reg­u­lar sched­ule this year, so we got to dri­ve through the moun­tains when they were the most vibrant! <3

Like many peo­ple who vis­it Cape Bre­ton Island, we drove around the Cabot Trail, which is the upper part of the island, as shown in this map here.

We stayed at the Auld Farm Inn in Bad­deck, I think the largest vil­lage on the Cabot Trail. (We high­ly rec­om­mend the B&B, the rates are very rea­son­able, and the hosts are so very friend­ly and thought­ful. I loved that they took the time to explain the his­to­ry of the farm house and referred to them­selves as cus­to­di­ans rather than own­ers of the prop­er­ty. AND they use old keys for the rooms!)


We aimed for an ear­ly start in the morn­ing, as fel­low inn guests let us know that they took 6 hours to com­plete the trail the day before. It was a sun­ny and crisp fall morn­ing when we set out on our road trip around the trail :)

If I remem­ber cor­rect­ly, we spot­ted this church near St. Anne’s Bay, not far from Baddeck.


Then we stopped at the look-out point at Lakie’s Head, with its rugged coast­line of pink rocks.


We stopped here for the wash­room I think. And I real­ly like the build­ing against the bright blue sky, and the name of the place. So honest.


This is also where we found an album named “But­ter­milk Mary”. I thought But­ter­milk Mary was the artist or the band, and I thought that’s a great stage name (or blog post title, or name for a cat, haha). It was­n’t until after we came back and Googled it that we real­ized But­ter­milk Mary is a set of jigs by the Baroque N’ Fid­dle String Quar­tet, and we total­ly regret­ted not buy­ing the album at the gen­er­al store! We end­ed up buy­ing it on iTunes :P It’s real­ly love­ly, you can watch it played here.

Can’t remem­ber the last time we nav­i­gat­ed by paper rather than GPS or Google Maps. This map was giv­en to us by a friend­ly staff when we got to the High­lands Nation­al Park office. We were ask­ing for direc­tions to water­falls on the trail. She marked her favourite spot on the trail with a heart :)


White Point Beach was her favourite spot and she high­ly rec­om­mend­ed it. Just a bit north of Neil’s Har­bour, which is a very pic­turesque fish­ing community.


This light­house dou­bles as an ice cream par­lour in warmer months!


Obvi­ous­ly Octo­ber is not one of the warmer months in the east coast. It actu­al­ly got real­ly windy when we got to White Point.


And we snapped a few more photos…


But we nev­er made the trek to the White Point Beach, because it was just too cold and windy. So we got back into our warm rental car and con­tin­ued on the trail.

There were many look-out points along the way. Pic­tures real­ly can’t cap­ture ful­ly the vast­ness of land and the majes­tic moun­tains. Can you see the riv­er weav­ing between the mountains?


We start­ed fol­low­ing one of the short­er trail to find the Black Brook Falls, but then Mike spot­ted the Coy­ote warn­ing sign and told me about it. I start­ed to pan­ic, remem­ber­ing sto­ries from our east coast friends about how east coast coy­otes hunt like wolves, in packs. So I con­vinced Mike to turn back. But we did ven­ture into the woods for a few min­utes. I love how moss seems to cov­er every­thing in these woods.


And we came across a riv­er. Mike took a bril­liant pho­to of it, which I don’t think he minds me show­ing it off :D


I also took far too many of these behind-the-dash­board pic­tures with Mike’s DSLR while he was dri­ving. The view is dif­fer­ent behind every bend! And as you can see, the weath­er was also dif­fer­ent minute by minute. It was now hail­ing. But look at the sea!!


One of the last look-out points we stopped at was the most exhil­a­rat­ing. I believe this is at or near Mar­ga­ree. The gusty wind, the sea mist, the salt in the air, the roar­ing sea — it sim­ply com­mands us to be ful­ly present in that moment of being there. I usu­al­ly have a huge fear of deep water and height (because I can’t swim). But in that moment, look­ing down into the sea and the jagged rocks from a cliff, I felt strange­ly safe, like I’ve found my place in all the cre­at­ed beings and things. Like I belong. The expe­ri­ence of that momen­t was one of the best gifts that I brought back with me.


After going around the trail we explored vil­lage of Bad­deck the next day. Aside from Bad­deck Yarns (see pre­vi­ous post :D), we vis­it­ed the Alexan­der Gra­ham Bell His­toric Site and muse­um. I nev­er knew that the inven­tor lived in Cape Bre­ton! (he and his wife are also buried in Bad­deck) And that aside from invent­ing the tele­phone, he also con­tributed to many inno­va­tion­s in avi­a­tion and ship­build­ing. The tetra­he­dron was a struc­ture that he fre­quent­ly incor­po­rat­ed into his inven­tions, from kites to tow­ers to air­crafts, because of its strength. This is a tetra­he­dron shel­ter that he would have stayed in to observe fly­ing experiments.


Alexan­der Gra­ham Bell fell in love with this view and stayed. I wish we could stay too.


Doing a bit of beach-comb­ing here before head­ing to Syd­ney.


And here we are in Syd­ney, cap­i­tal of Cape Bre­ton, home of the big fid­dle and beau­ti­ful pur­ple rocks!


Here we spent the day vis­it­ing a cou­ple of his­toric house muse­ums. At Jost House the upper floor dis­played an apothe­cary exhib­it and a marine exhibit. The house was occu­pied by fam­i­lies of mer­chants from the 1700s until the 70s.


Then we vis­it­ed the Cos­sit House, which is believed to be the old­est house in Syd­ney, built in 1787. It was the home of a min­is­ter, who lived there with his wife and 13 chil­dren. It has a love­ly back gar­den main­tained by the muse­um docents, with hand­writ­ten signs explain­ing the names and uses of the herbs in all the gar­den box­es. It real­ly was a cozy place. But when I took the pic­ture with Diana Mini it turned out sort of dark, and then it has this glow at the door­way, which makes it look like those pic­tures of haunt­ed places… or a house with a glow­ing heart…?


Not sure where the glow comes from, it is also in a pic­ture at the Jog­gins cliffs (pic­ture of my feet), so I’m sure it has to do with the devel­op­ing process or some kind of lens flare, and not the house itself :P

We then drove back to Hal­i­fax to catch our flight home, try­ing to squeeze in a few more strolls in the love­ly city before we had to leave.

Argyle Street, naturally.


If you ever find your­self vis­it­ing Hal­i­fax, and you’re look­ing for sou­venirs that are not in the shape of a lob­ster or light­house, be sure to vis­it the World Tea House and Bis­cuit Gen­er­al Store on Argyle St.!

Also, if you like East Asian food, I high­ly rec­om­mend the Beaver Sailor Din­er up the street from the har­bour! I think it’s pret­ty new, the staff was real­ly friend­ly, the noo­dles are hand­made, the prices rea­son­able, and the logo is cute! (I think they should make buttons/pins of the logo.)


Anoth­er great place where we found awe­some sou­venirs was the farm­ers’ mar­kets. We vis­it­ed the Sea­port Farm­ers’ Mar­ket for break­fast one day at one of the bak­ers’ stalls, and bought quite a few bags of sea­weed prod­ucts from Mer­maid Fare :D (the own­er is very knowl­edge­able about the sea­weed and how to cook them!) Here’s Mike’s pic­ture of a friend­ly fish mon­ger. We did­n’t bring back any fish though.


And then we ven­tured into the His­toric Farm­ers’ Mar­ket in the Alexan­der Kei­th’s Brew­ery build­ing (still haven’t done the brew­ery tour, must do that one day!). We find that it’s a small­er (but equal­ly vibrant) mar­ket with more local res­i­dents vis­it­ing, where­as the Sea­port Mar­ket can be very crowd­ed when there’s a cruise ship dock­ing at the har­bour :S At both mar­kets there are pro­duce, spices, soaps, cof­fee stalls, bak­eries, crafts, art­work, and every­one is hap­py to explain their prod­ucts even if we weren’t buy­ing anything.


This is from one of our ear­ly morn­ing strolls at the Old Bury­ing Ground in Hal­i­fax. I like how the gen­tle sun­light of ear­ly morn­ing is fil­tered through the trees and illu­mi­nat­ing the old graves. It was found­ed in 1749, and closed in 1844. We spent some time there mar­veling at the old let­ter­ing and crav­ings on the headstones.


And final­ly, part of why we were in the east coast in the first place was because I was pre­sent­ing a paper at an art ther­a­py con­fer­ence in Hal­i­fax. That hap­pened before we went on the road trip to Cape Bre­ton. And this was me, basi­cal­ly read­ing out my script because I so dread pub­lic speak­ing. But I hope what­ev­er it was that the par­tic­i­pants took from what I shared would make a dif­fer­ence one day, no mat­ter how small, how indirect.


And that was my jour­ney! I have a feel­ing that I will jour­ney back one day. Just feel strange­ly at home in the east coast. Until then, I will miss the warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and the sea.

I hope you enjoy the pho­tos and sto­ries and trav­el tips! Thank you for jour­ney­ing with me! :D


trip of the dreams!


I’ve been look­ing for­ward to vis­it­ing the Jog­gins Fos­sil Cliffs for months. I had so want­ed to become a pale­on­tol­o­gist when I was a child, so going to a fos­sil site was a trip of the dreams! I stud­ied tide time charts and planned our dri­ve so we would arrive at low tide; I looked at oth­er trav­ellers’ pho­tos and com­ments; I checked and re-checked weath­er fore­cast and prayed for rain to hold off on the day we planned to visit…

– and sud­den­ly we were here!

The cliffs are sit­u­at­ed along the Bay of Fundy, which has the high­est tides in the world. It holds rocks and fos­sils from the “Coal Age”, about 300 mil­lion years ago.

This, where I was stand­ing, is the OCEAN FLOOR (could hard­ly con­tain my excite­ment!!) and will be sub­merged in up to 13 metres of water in a mat­ter of hours.


(as you might notice, some pic­tures were tak­en with film with the Diana, and some where tak­en on my phone).

We joined a walk­ing tour, in which the friend­ly tour guide point­ed out dif­fer­ent fos­sils that could be found at the cliffs. Like this fos­sil of a tree trunk.


These were track­ways of Arty the arthro­pleu­ra — a giant insect about 1–8 feet long. The tour guide showed a scaled down repli­ca of Arty.


Fos­sil of a trilobite.


Fos­sil of tree roots.


Look at the beau­ti­ful lay­ers of rocks on the cliffs!



The tides com­ing in…


It was majestic.


We were hop­ing to vis­it the Fundy Geo­log­i­cal Muse­um in Parrs­boro after­wards, but we spent a bit too much time at the cliffs, and by the time we got to Parrs­boro the muse­um was closed. So instead we spent some time at the wharf look­ing at the sun­set sparkles on the water.


More on Nova Sco­tia tomor­row! :D

Hope every­one is hav­ing a good start to the week!


last days of summer


Final­ly devel­oped the roll of film in my Diana from sum­mer. These are some of my favourites. I real­ly like the angle of this one of the echinacea.

Strolled past an arti­fi­cial beach by the water­front. It’s real­ly quite nice with the per­ma­nent beach umbrel­la. Just kind of dis­ap­point­ed that I haven’t been able to make it to a real beach this summer…


Dou­ble expo­sure of chil­dren play­ing on the WaveDecks.


And a dou­ble expo­sure of me and the lake :D



I thought I got some nice pic­tures on film this sum­mer :) Look­ing for­ward to cap­tur­ing fall colours!

Have a great week­end, everyone!



end of summer in black & white

Not that I feel par­tic­u­lar­ly sad about the end of sum­mer. I’ve had lots of fun this sum­mer, but I’m sure there will be good times in the fall and win­ter too. There’s just some­thing time­less about black and white pho­tographs, cap­tur­ing those every­day moments that are cherished.


We vis­it the Dis­tillery Dis­trict at least once every sum­mer. Took this pic­ture while mar­veling at the gas lamps lit up at dusk.

indie ale

We got to enjoy some craft beer and lengthy con­ver­sa­tions at the Indie Ale House with our good friends, whose chil­dren were camp­ing out at their grand­par­ents’ for the week. I think this was the first time we got to do this in 10 years :P I’m by no means a con­nois­seur of beer, I most­ly order based on the names of the beer (I’m a suck­er for interesting/pretty prod­uct names, I think I’ve men­tioned this before…). So here I was hav­ing a “Rab­bit of Caer­bannog”, which I lat­er found out was “an immense­ly cute but blood­thirsty rab­bit-like mon­ster found in Mon­ty Python and the Holy Grail,” accord­ing to Vil­lians Wikia.

epic shark

A majes­tic shark at the aquar­i­um. I’m quite proud of this one.

knit knit knit

Not that the sum­mer would stop me from cro­chet­ing or knit­ting, but I’m excit­ed about mak­ing cozi­er things when the weath­er is cool­er, and my hol­i­day craft­ing list, the plushy scarves and mit­tens I’m going to make new wool, and this! I’m exper­i­ment­ing with mak­ing a pat­tern and can’t wait to find out whether it will work out, and I will sure­ly share with you if it does!

And last but not least, I present to you — jel­ly­fish mag­ic at the aquarium.

The jel­ly­fish were lit up with kind of a strange pink light (I guess oth­er­wise they’d be dif­fi­cult to see since they’re translu­cent), which my phone cam­era could­n’t cap­ture very well, so I fig­ure I’d just put a black and white fil­ter on it in Insta­gram. I think it kind of cre­ates a feel­ing of being in the deep, dark sea. And it’s just so ele­gant the way jel­ly­fish move in water.

Cheers to a fab­u­lous sum­mer, and many more sum­mers to come!



in the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius

It’s become a bit of a sum­mer tra­di­tion now, my sis­ter and I going to the ROM :)

This year the fea­ture exhib­it is Pom­peii. I loved learn­ing about Pom­peii when I was a kid! :D (and had dreams about becom­ing an archae­ol­o­gist or a pale­on­tol­o­gist, and once in a while I won­der about what my life would be like now if I had fol­lowed my dreams… any­way, I digress)

Usu­al­ly when I hear about Pom­pei­i the images of the body casts come to mind. And there were casts of the body casts in the exhib­it too. But I found myself more attract­ed to mar­velous mosaics, made of tiny, prob­a­bly 1mm x 1mm pieces of clay. I’m quite sur­prised by how well these were pre­served, despite the fire and the heat of the vol­cano eruption.

Photo 2015-08-03, 11 55 57 AM

I imag­ine the arti­san’s hand, plac­ing these clay chips one by one care­ful­ly onto wet grout, trac­ing the lines on the face, the sub­tle tonal vari­a­tions of the skin.

And this is my favourite in the exhib­it, the spec­tac­u­lar sea life mosaic.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 09 10 PM

The phone pho­to real­ly does­n’t do it jus­tice. It is quite large in per­son. Looks like the octo­pus is bat­tling a lob­ster-like crea­ture. Here’s a close up of the octo­pus, made of many tiny tiles.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 07 35 PM

This must have tak­en a long, long time to make. I imag­ine the artisan(s) tak­ing a step back after the last tile was put into place, and feel­ing incred­i­ble joy and sat­is­fac­tion when they saw what they have created.

I was also sur­prised by the sur­vival of the many fres­coes, like this one, of seafood.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 11 44 PM

Intrigued by the sculp­ture’s very intri­cate hairstyle.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 16 37 PM



Figs and bread car­bonized in the eruption.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 10 34 PM

Photo 2015-08-03, 11 54 19 AM

There was also a video pro­jec­tion show­ing the erup­tion, with this wide-eyed stat­ue in front of it. Looked to me like it was frozen in terror.

Photo 2015-08-03, 12 26 26 PM


Mike went on this trip with my sis­ter and me, and he had­n’t been to oth­er parts of the muse­um for a while, so we also toured the dinosaur gal­leries and the bio­di­ver­si­ty gallery. There was an exhib­it of the new dinosaur dis­cov­ery! And! This is a 3‑D print­ed model!

Photo 2015-08-03, 1 33 00 PM

Wen­dicer­atops pin­hor­nen­sis, named after the Cana­di­an fos­sil hunter, Wendy Slo­bo­da, who dis­cov­ered it in Alber­ta, Canada :)

In the bio­di­ver­si­ty gallery I was hop­ing to find a dis­play of fun­gi. I’ve been to this part of the muse­um many times, but I thought maybe I’ve always missed it. Final­ly I found it, repli­cas in the Bore­al For­est sec­tion, I think, as well as a draw­er of dried mush­rooms that were dif­fi­cult to tell what they actu­al­ly looked like before they were picked. I was a bit dis­ap­point­ed that there was­n’t a larg­er dis­play of more species of fun­gi and mush­rooms, but this is still nice :)

Photo 2015-08-03, 2 17 52 PM

So that was the end of our adven­ture to the ROM. I hope you will get a chance to vis­it if you’re ever in the neigh­bour­hood! :D I’m look­ing for­ward to find­ing out what next sum­mer’s fea­ture exhi­bi­tion will be! Maybe it will be on the diver­si­ty of mush­rooms and fun­gi! :D One can always dream… (I once saw a course at a local uni­ver­si­ty titled “Mush­rooms: Lords of the Dark Earth”. I so want­ed to take the course but it was­n’t being offered any­more… anyway.)

Hope every­one is hav­ing a good week!



leucocoprinus birnbaumii

That is the very uncom­mon name of a very com­mon yel­low house­plant mush­room :D

Accord­ing to Wiki, it is also called “flow­er­pot para­sol” or “plant­pot dap­per­ling”. Very pret­ty names. One start­ed grow­ing in our spi­der plant!


When we first spot­ted it it was very tiny, maybe quar­ter of an inch tall.

Then a few days lat­er we noticed the cap com­plete­ly open. It was still tiny, about half an inch tall.


This is a bet­ter pic­ture from Mike.


We took these pic­tures at night. The next morn­ing we found the mush­room already wilted :(

Have you had these mush­rooms in your plants? Accord­ing to this help­ful site, it does not hurt the house­plants, and it’s not harm­ful they’re eat­en. So maybe not so great when there are young chil­dren and pets.

Which reminds me, maybe some mush­rooms are out already in the park. I should go out for walks some­times and start look­ing :D

Hope you have a hap­py Sun­day and a good week!



I recent­ly received a love­ly email from a friend­ly staff per­son at War­by Park­er invit­ing me to write a post about my sum­mer moments and to pick some of their sun­glass­es to go with them, for their #seesum­mer­bet­ter cam­paign. While I’m not receiv­ing any mate­r­i­al or mon­e­tary com­pen­sa­tion for writ­ing this post, except per­haps friend­ly shout-outs from the War­by blog, I’m still feel­ing rather flat­tered that there is inter­est in this blog, espe­cial­ly since Mike just got a pair of glass­es from them and he quite liked them, and had been telling me good things about the com­pa­ny, includ­ing friend­ly and approach­able cus­tomer ser­vice :) Anoth­er thing that attract­ed Mike to shop from them is their Buy a Pair, Give a Pair pro­gram, which does­n’t only cre­ate access to afford­able glass­es, but also oppor­tu­ni­ties for skill-build­ing and employment.

So I was hap­py about writ­ing this post. But there is one problem: I don’t usu­al­ly wear sun­glass­es. It’s kind of a for­eign top­ic to me and I don’t real­ly know what to write about.

Not that I don’t like wear­ing sun­glass­es. I think they’re very impor­tant for eye health. I’m just rather util­i­tar­i­an about it (among many oth­er things). I used to own a pair of sun­glass­es that I bought from the drug store, they go over my reg­u­lar glass­es (as in wear­ing two pairs of glass­es at the same time). But then I got new glass­es that are a lot wider than my old pair and the sun­glass­es can’t fit over them. And I nev­er both­ered to get a pair of pre­scrip­tion sun­glass­es. So I haven’t been wear­ing sun­glass­es for a few years now. Prob­a­bly not good for my eyes, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer. The invi­ta­tion to write this post might actu­al­ly be a good reminder that I need to get myself a pair of pre­scrip­tion sun­glass­es soon… and maybe I’ll think a bit more about style rather just util­i­tar­i­an this time (sun­glass­es that go over reg­u­lar glass­es aren’t the most styl­ish ever :S).

So I sort of inter­pret­ed the invi­ta­tion to write this post as: if you were to buy a pair of sun­glass­es from our shop, which ones would you consider?

It’s always fun to win­dow shop :)


Last week I got my hair cut and coloured :D I’m quite hap­py with the vibrant but not too bright colour show­ing from under­neath. I have an affin­i­ty for grey glass­es, so I think the new hair would look great with these :D And with a beau­ti­ful name like Luna Fade it’s hard to not like them.


Have I ever shared pic­tures of the cur­tains I final­ly sewed and put up? It’s only tak­en me 8 months! :S For the longest time we had dis­pos­able plas­tic table cloths taped to the win­dow… but now we have these sea glass coloured cur­tains! :D And look at the glo­ri­ous blaz­ing sum­mer sun­set shin­ing through.



I like sea glass… or is it seafoam? Any­way, I like these, because they’re sea glass coloured… and they are indeed named Beach Glass! :D


And today we had the per­fect sum­mer evening — san­dals, cot­ton-can­dy-colour pants, trip to the library at 8pm in daylight!

Photo 2015-07-23, 8 24 27 PM

Today’s awe­some finds for sum­mer reading/viewing — Mup­pets Most Want­ed, Amigu­ru­mi at Home, and Life After Life :)

And what goes well with cot­ton-can­dy-coloured pants?

I love these… and they’re beau­ti­ful­ly named Moon­stone! (As you may notice I’m a suck­er for nice prod­uct names.)

Thanks for win­dow shop­ping with me! :D Hope every­one has a fun and sun-filled weekend!




Made a neck­lace for the shop this week. Prob­a­bly the most elab­o­rate jew­el­ry piece I’ve made so far. Quite proud of it :D

Photo 2015-07-05, 4 43 38 PM

The feath­er was made with shrink plas­tic. I might make more of these, maybe with dif­fer­ent colour chevron stripes!

And then I made this.

Photo 2015-07-06, 6 47 12 PM

The stones were gifts from a friend so this is def­i­nite­ly not going to the shop. But this was the first time I tried mak­ing this style of neck­lace and I think it worked out well, so I might make more of this too if I can find sim­i­lar drilled stone chips (not sure if that’s what they’re called :S).

Also want to men­tion that last week­end we went to a new retro malt shop down­town! :D

Photo 2015-07-04, 2 59 40 PM

Bean and Bak­er! We had a vanil­la malt shake, which was dreamy. They also have pies of both sweet and savory vari­eties, and hand­craft­ed sodas!

Photo 2015-07-04, 2 55 30 PM

I high­ly rec­om­mend a vis­it if you’re in the neighbourhood!

This is not late­ly, we went there back in May, but haven’t had a chance to post these photos.

Photo 2015-05-23, 6 50 49 PM

Dur­ing Doors Open Toron­to we went to the Gibral­tar Point Light­house on the Toron­to Islands, which is the old­est light­house of the Great Lakes! (Also sup­pos­ed­ly haunt­ed :S) I fol­lowed the Roundo­graph tuto­r­i­al by Pho­to­jo­jo to mim­ic pho­tos tak­en by the Kodak No. 1 in the 1890s.

Here’s one with a dif­fer­ent fil­ter, which I also like very much.

Photo 2015-05-23, 6 59 19 PM

I also took the Diana to the light­house. Here is the lad­der lead­ing to the top of the light­house. It’s my favourite pic­ture of the batch.


And we reached the light of the light­house! :D


Me at the foot of the lighthouse.


And on the fer­ry between the island and the city.



Hap­py Fri­day every­one! :D

weekend wonders

Thrift­ing at a Val­ue Vil­lage while vis­it­ing Mike’s home­town sev­er­al hours away from Toron­to. Found these! :D

Photo 2015-06-13, 5 41 03 PM

This is a brooch, looks like it’s enamel.

Photo 2015-06-13, 5 43 26 PM

There’s some­thing hilar­i­ous about the way he looks, I just had to take him home. Looks like a road run­ner, but it might well be a dinosaur — giv­en that appar­ent­ly most dinosaurs were feath­ered! (accord­ing to this article)

Then I did some apart­ment gar­den­ing at home, and repot­ted the suc­cu­lent we brought home from our trip to Mon­tre­al.

Photo 2015-06-14, 12 11 22 PM

I fol­lowed this tuto­r­i­al to make the dinosaur planter. The dinosaur toy was already a pret­ty bright pink, which I liked, so I did­n’t spray paint it. It did­n’t have much room for the roots, so I hope the suc­cu­lent does well in there.

I cov­ered the top with the seashells I got for the aspara­gus fern to help sta­bi­lize the plant.

Photo 2015-06-14, 12 14 11 PM

Will be back with the sec­ond part of the tiny sushi series! Stay tuned :) Hope every­one had a good week­end, wish­ing you a good start to the week!